Wednesday, August 4, 2021

What is a home?

A new sunrise, a new blog, a new beginning.  This photo is one I took at sunrise over the mighty James River, on the east side of Richmond, Virginia, when I was living there in 2019. 

 We all want some place to call home.  But what does that mean?  I've lived a pretty weird and creative life, with a lot of ups and downs.  The downs have included extended homelessness, where the things most people take for granted become luxuries.  That has shaped my thoughts on what it really takes for a place to move beyond an apartment or a house, and become a home.

A home is where:

You can tell your stories

You can sleep soundly (unless you have small kids)

You can cook a good meal, and keep plenty of food on hand for most occasions

You can charge your laptop, phone, and other devices, and have fast wifi (unless you have teenage gamers)

You can relax... at least sometimes

You can feel comfortable in super casual clothes

You can get your snail mail, and have a physical address for those pesky forms that require one

You can listen to you music loudly (though headphones may be needed)

You can work... on your job or your hobbies, and if you're really lucky, both at the same time

You can dream about how to make your home, and your life, more rewarding

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